How to Climb Out of Survival Mode for Good and Vibrantly Thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person
...Without sacrificing even an ounce of your authentic self
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Presented by:
Tiara Ariel, HSP and certified Wellness Coach
Why do I need to give my email address?
Providing your email address allows Tiara to send you the link to the presentation - that way, if you close out of the video, you're able to find it and watch it again while it's still available.
Your email address will never be sold or shared with third parties. And you don't have to worry about being spammed with emails, either: As an HSP herself, Tiara believes that the less unnecessary information we can be bombarded with, the better.
Do I need to give my full name?
Your first name is fine! Also, entering your name is optional.
Do I really need to watch an entire presentation right now?
What is in this video will very likely have a radical and positive shift in the trajectory of your life from this moment forward. It is worth the time.
What if I want time to process the information and take notes?
You 100% can! The video has the ability to pause and resume, so bring your notebook! (It does not, however, have the ability to rewind or fast forward, so make sure you've got your pen ready!)